🌙 BTC Liquidity Rises

The increase of liquidity in bitcoin markets is an encouraging signal for a sustained price recovery, analysts said.

Crypto Roundup - Oct 31

Bitcoin’s market is showing signs of a sustainable price recovery, with a notable increase in liquidity attracting attention from high-ticket traders and institutions. This is underscored by a $140 billion boost in Bitcoin’s market capitalization and almost $410 million in net inflows to Bitcoin-based funds over the past month. On the DeFi front, MakerDAO has moved $250 million to support its DAI stablecoin, while Tron is becoming a preferred choice for stablecoin transfers in emerging markets due to its efficiency and low transaction costs.

Top Stories:

  1. Bitcoin’s Rising Liquidity: Indicates a potential sustained price recovery, attracting high-ticket traders and institutions, though some analysts urge caution.

  2. MakerDAO's Strategic Move: Transfers $250 million to rebuild DAI collateral, maintaining its dollar peg and ensuring stability in the DeFi space.

  3. Tron’s Dominance in Stablecoin Transfers: Becomes the leading blockchain for stablecoin transactions, particularly in emerging markets, due to its low fees and fast transaction times.






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