🌙 Mt.Gox Transfers $9B Bitcoin

Nearly 107,000 bitcoin have been moved since early Asian hours on Tuesday, with bitcoin shedding 1.2% on expectations of selling pressure.

Crypto Roundup - May 28

Mt. Gox's move to repay creditors by transferring $7 billion worth of Bitcoin has caused a significant price drop in BTC. Meanwhile, former FTX executive Ryan Salame has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison. A recent survey by Grayscale reveals that American voters are increasingly interested in cryptocurrencies, with many considering it a crucial issue for the 2024 election.

Top Stories:

  • Mt. Gox moves $7B Bitcoin, leading to a sharp BTC price decline as part of creditor repayment plans.

  • Former FTX executive Ryan Salame sentenced to 7.5 years, exceeding the government's recommendation.

  • Grayscale survey shows a rising interest among American voters in crypto, influencing the 2024 election outlook.






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