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  • 🌙 Senate Passes Resolution To Overturn SAB 121

🌙 Senate Passes Resolution To Overturn SAB 121

Twelve Democratic Senators voted in favor to pass Joint Resolution 109, Thursday, including Kirsten Gillibrand and John Hickenlooper.

Crypto Roundup - May 16

The U.S. Senate has passed a resolution to overturn SAB 121, a significant legislative development with wide-reaching implications for the sectors governed by the bill. Meanwhile, in the cryptocurrency sector, Coinbase's shares fell by 9% following reports that CME might consider listing spot Bitcoin, which could potentially affect Coinbase's market share and trading volumes. Additionally, the cryptocurrency platform Pump.fun suffered a security breach resulting in a loss of nearly $2 million. The exploit occurred during what had been a record revenue week for the platform, overshadowing its financial success.

Top Stories:

  • Senate Passes Resolution: A resolution to overturn SAB 121 has been approved by the U.S. Senate, impacting various industries.

  • Coinbase Shares Fall: Coinbase's stock price drops 9% on news that CME may list spot Bitcoin, potentially diluting Coinbase's market dominance.

  • Pump.fun Exploited: The DeFi platform Pump.fun was hacked, resulting in nearly $2 million in losses during a peak financial period.






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